:q | quit |
:q! | forced quit w/o write |
:w | write |
:wq | write quit |
:x | write quit |
h j k l | cursor movement |
10h | move 10 char to left |
25j | move 25 lines down |
0 (null) | go to beginning of line |
$ | go to end of line |
gg | go to beginning of file |
G | go to the end of file |
CTRL+f | scroll forward one screen |
CTRL+b | scroll backward one screen |
a | insert text after cursor |
A | append at end of line |
i | insert text before cursor |
I | insert text before line |
o | open new line below |
O | open new line above |
x | delete char after |
X | delete char before |
dw | delete word after |
db | delete word before |
d^ | delete from line beginning |
d$ | delete to line end |
dd | delete current line |
xxdd | delete xx lines |
yw | copy/yank word after |
yb | copy/yank word before |
y^ | copy/yank line before |
y$ | copy/yank line after |
yy | copy/yank current line |
p | paste after |
P | paste before |
/string | search for "string" |
/ | search again for last "string" |
n | next search |
?string | search for "string" backwards |
? | search again for "string" backwards |
J | join two lines |
u | undo |
U | undo/restore current line |
. | repeat the last command |
:s/old_string/new_string | substitude/replace first "old_string" in line |
:s/old_string/new_string/g | substitude/replace all "old_strings" in line |
:1,$s/..... | substitude/replace in all lines of the file |
:/string/d | remove all lines containing "string" |
:/string/!d | remove all lines not containing "string" |
:syntax on | turn syntax highlighting on |
:set bg=dark | change font colors for dark backgrounds |
:highlight Comment ctermfg=darkgrey | change color for comments |